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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Baby Comes Home and you mad on Parenting and Childcare formulae

The   highly   anticipated moment of bringing the baby home from the hospital is fraught with myriad emotions of its own. The little bundle of joy can shake up your world far in excess of its small size. By this time books about childcare, parental advice, neighbor’s suggestions about the love, patience, protection, food etc that the baby will require almost exhaust you.  Along with it will come the realization that there is now a human being that is totally dependent on you. Looking at your robust infant a year from now, you’ll be surprised that you had ever been so nervous.

New parenthood comes with its own set of dilemmas. Some men would have never held a baby in their arms. Part of the new father’s role would be getting used to looking after the baby, not just changing diapers and giving a bath but establishing a rapport with the baby. It shall come as surprise to all as the baby accepts him real fast. New mothers   are apt to feel that the baby tends to monopolize their time leaving them with very little time for themselves or the family. The mother’s body too is yearning for some well deserved rest.

When you first begin taking care of your baby a fatigue sets in during the first few weeks as it becomes a constant feeling of feeding-the-mouth and cleaning-the-bottom. Most first time parents don’t have enough self – assurance at the start. Like anyone in their first job, they are sensitive about possible inadequacies and touchy about criticism. It helps if you have a few arrangements made before hand. The first thing is to arrange for a small, soft and safe cot for the baby or any other place that is equally comfortable as per your convenience.

The next important thing  is a place to bathe and dress him; it could be the kitchen sink or a plastic tub. He shall also require a few sets of comfortable clothing, it must be soft and easy to put on and take off .Then there is the formula milk to be made, you will require bottles, diapers or nappies and wipes or old cotton cloth to take care of the spills etc. Sleeping, eating and working may be initially governed by when the baby wants to sleep and eat. Slowly with time you may be able to adjust it to your routine.

Every baby’s pattern of development is different. Love him for the way he is. More than a perfect parent a child needs a loving parent. At all times try to hold him, soothe him and enjoy him. All human beings would like to make their children happy. Despite all the nitty-gritty of parenthood, I am a strong believer that the most important responsibility of a parent is to bring up a child in such a manner that he is socially well adjusted. That I believe is the paramount responsibility of parents. Nothing shall make a child more grateful than the fact that he has been carefully nurtured for a meaningful presence in our world.

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